
FladsClassifieds Home Page


 2.    Advertisement management and administration

 2.1.    Advertisement management by advertisement poster

The Manage my Advertisements page allows an advertisement poster to:

 2.2.    Advertisement administration by website moderator

The Administer Advertisements main page displays a link to a page where website moderator can access statistics on advertisements per category. On that page, clicking on a category gives access to a page where advertisements in the category can be administered. That page allows website moderator to:

The Administer Advertisements main page displays also a link to a page where website moderator can see the advertisements posted by a user and administer them.

That page may show links to pages that list advertisements that are pending for an action to be done by the website moderator:


Finally, the main page of the Administer Advertisements section of the Admin menu displays a link to a page where website moderator can view overall statistics for the advertisements in the database.